Tuesday 18 June 2013


“I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food”
― Erma Bombeck

Yesterday I talked about my hopes for my own cooking and this blog, today I want to ramble a bit about what I'd like to see in people my age and their relationship with food:

1. The More the Merrier

I really hope more young people start to cook - that more parents teach their kids this basic life skill. Everyone should be able to put together a meal including basic pastas, salads, vegetable dishes and easy desserts. Cooking at home is cheaper, better for you and more satisfying than ordering in and maybe if we learnt the fundamentals when we were young, we wouldn't be afraid of it as we got older.

2. Stop Faking It

I'm a part of some great facebook food communities and I've found most to be encouraging, fun and helpful. Some of the ones I'm on currently include, the very fun DFT Food Porn Association run by Prashant and Ayesha Kalra, whom I will write more about one day; the informative EatTreat, the prompt Food Talk India and really helpful Epicurean Delights. Certain members though are just consitently pretentious, rude and critical. I wish somebody would tell them nobody likes a troll.

3. The Root of the Matter

Everyday I see people talking about pies, roux and braised salmon fillets but I'd really love to see people (including me) cooking and growing familiar with exciting Indian food.

4. The Lighter Choice

This might be the last thing on my list but it's the most important. More healthy options please! At restaurants, parties, cafes, movie theatres and everywhere else we eat.


Serves 6
Adapted from Martha Stewart



2 ripe mangoes (chopped up)
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp lemon juice (add some zest, if you have it)
1 ½ cup ricotta or hung curd


1. Toss together mangoes, honey, lime juice and zest.

2. Sweeten the hung curd with a little honey, if you like.

3. Layer mango mixture, then add a layer of curd. Then mango. Then curd. You get the idea.

4. Chill or serve immediately.


1 comment:

Radhika A said...

Lovely! And so simple :)

My mum sometimes beats/whisks together hung curd and mango, and adds some cardamom and lets it set in the fridge...i call it "fraud shrikhand" but its healthy and yum :)