Saturday 27 October 2012


“Anti-American protesters set a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant on fire. The protesters mistakenly thought they were attacking high-ranking U.S. military official Colonel Sanders.” - God only knows where I found this

Yeah yeah I lurrrvvve to cook. That's why I have a cooking blog. But everyone has days they would rather not. For such days here's a ridiculously easy Indian gravy chicken recipe that allows you to spend less time slaving in the kitchen and more time doing whatever it is you want to be doing.

Unless you're going to use the extra time to troll on facebook. If that's what you're going to do with the precious moments this recipe will save you - go back and pick a more complicated recipe. You deserve to be in the kitchen.

Another joy this recipe affords? Almost zero oil.

What you’ll need:
1 kg chicken (cut into pieces and at the risk of stating the obvious – cleaned REALLY WELL)
4 – 5 tomatoes (chopped into pieces and then popped into a mixer till well pureed)
1 tbsp oil
2 onions (grated or ground into mush)
2 tsp cumin (jeera) powder
2 tsp coriander (dhania) powder
2 tsp kasoori methi (powdered fennel)
2 tsp garam masala powder
2 tsp chicken/meat masala (totally optional)
Salt to taste
How to:
1. Take your chicken pieces and knead in cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala and some salt. Cover with foil and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Note: I know most recipes don’t ask but always marinate chicken. It’s just better that way. Also follow the example of a not particularly wise man who said “once I’ve marinated a chicken – it really knows it’s been marinated.”Go ahead. Don’t be shy. Really beat the spice into that chicken, you won’t regret it.
2. Heat oil in heavy bottomed pan and pour in your ground onion mush. Stir till golden-y.
Note: I’d never grated onion before and I have to say it’s odd. The onion turns into really fine, really liquid-y white something or the other. I can’t describe it.
3. Add your chicken – stir for not more than 5 minutes.
Note: The chicken will release its own oil but keep moving it around to make sure you don’t burn the bottom.
4. Add tomato puree, stir well and let cook for 15 minutes. Add kasoori methi.  
5. Let the chicken come to a boil and then let simmer for a bit. Taste to see if it’s fine. Add/adjust salt or spice if needed.  
6. Serve with chopped coriander leaves.


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