Wednesday 16 January 2013


Why is the rum always gone?! - Jack Sparrow

This is a hardcore cold fix. Don't try this recipe unless you feel a real threat of hypothermia. No I mean it. This is buttery, spicy and (very) heavy. If you haven't reached that age where you worry about diet choices and eating meals at regular intervals this could be a meal. I'm pretty sure it's the calorific equivalent of atleast 2 meals.

But if like me you are stuck in a cold, cold place and have all the sweaters in your cupboard on your back this will fix you. Go out for a walk, take a deep breath of the cold winter air, run back indoors and drink some of this stuff.


What you’ll need (for 4 cups):

8 teaspoons butter
1 tsp Cloves
1 tsp Cardamom
4 sticks Cinnamon
3 tablespoons sugar
1 ½ cup orange juice
Hot water
How to: 
1. Crush the cloves, cardamom and cinnamon to a powder.
2. Heat the butter in a pan and add the spices and sugar. Stir in well.
3. Drop a heaping tablespoon of the spice butter mixture into each cup.
4. Heat orange juice and water in a pan.
5. When ready to serve add rum to each cup and then top up with the hot water/juice mixture. Stir well and serve.  


1 comment:

Ashish said...

Wow..can't wait to try this. Keep up the beautiful posts.