Friday 19 July 2013


Love the adorable logo and packaging!
The Temperamental Chef’s new line of vegetarian snacks ticks a lot of very difficult boxes – healthy, vegetarian, time efficient and delicious.
I love that Srishti Handa and Siddharth Kumar (the brains behind the bites) have put so much thought and soul into their products, coming up with innovative flavours instead of piling more potato and paneer on to vegetarian’s plates. The same thought and effort extends to the adorable packaging and the insistence on keeping the calorie count of their products low.

She wouldn't endorse anything she didn't really believe in.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. A couple of weeks ago, I popped a pack of the Beet and Walnut Bites and the Spinach Bolts on to a pan and served it up to my critical cousins. The Beet and Walnut Bites were more popular but both disappeared quickly. They’re great by themselves but even better with a creamy dip. Alternatively, mash them into a roll, crumble them over a salad or serve it as an accompaniment to other dishes. Since they don’t need to be thawed they go straight from the fridge to the pan/oven and into guest’s plates with minimal effort. It takes less than 10 minutes to put together so they’re an easy option for appetizers even for larger groups.

The Spinach Bolts
Find the Temperamental Chef on facebook here or pick up a pack from your neighborhood grocery store, currently only in Delhi.

Walnut and Beet Bites

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