Wednesday 13 March 2013


Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.  Author Unknown

Chocolate. The only thing in life that is best when dark and bitter.

Speaking of dark and bitter. I'm sure you've guessed I really enjoy cooking. I wish I had more time to do it but since I don't get home from work too early, my time in the kitchen is usually restricted to weekends. When it finally is the weekend, I really look forward to my kitchen time except for when I get around to working on a recipe I've set my heart on only to realize I'm missing an ingredient. I am SO tired of recipes with endless ingredients lists, the number of herbs and spices every cookbook needs you to buy and the expectation that you will have feta, ricotta and mascarpone readily available in your kitchen.

To record my protest against this phenomenon which requires every budding cook to spend all their time (and money) at expensive grocery stores buying vague-o ingredients with a carbon footprint the size of an adult bison I'm putting up this. An easy, relatively quick mousse recipe with 3 ingredients that works really, REALLY well.

Thank you Danish for the recipe!

Serves 2
Recipe from Danish Sheikh

What you’ll need:

70 gm dark chocolate (The darker the better. I just crumbled and melted Chokola’s 70% cocoa chocolate bar and it came out great.)
2 eggs
1 tsp sugar (powdered)

How to:

1. Separate the eggs. Keep the yolks aside.

2. Beat the whites till soft peaks form.

3. Melt the chocolate.

4. Into the melted chocolate, whisk the yolks in quickly. Then whisk in the egg whites 1/3 at a time. Make sure it’s all well amalgamated.

5. Spoon into 2 ramekins and set for at least 4 hours and up to overnight.

6. Serve with whipped cream or without.


1 comment:

Christine @ Cooking Crusade said...

Oh wow, I have been looking for a great dairy free mousse recipe and looks like I've found just the thing - thanks for sharing this great recipe!