Wednesday 26 September 2012


A colleague of mine is leaving (and now my cubicle will be empty!) and I really wanted to do some farewell baking. I wasn't sure what would be most appropriate so I went with "everyone loves chocolate" and it worked out great!

The recipe for these amazing brownies comes from a gorgeous recipe blog I stalk regularly:

There's lots of great stuff here to try (for beginners and otherwise) and I love the clean, super user-friendly format (something I'm still trying to figure out)!

I have a whole list of things from here I'm going to be trying soon so expect more inter blog love!

Also, bye bye Adithya! Here's wishing you luck for everything to come!

S.V. Adithya Vidyasagar (a.k.a SVAVS)



radha said...

Thanks Yasha. Kru sent me a link.

Anonymous said...

This batch was brownies was really good!