Wednesday 6 March 2013


Don't bother.

This kind of restaurant defeats me. Read on if you want to hear my rant but the sum of my message is don’t bother to go to Soy.

Curry Laksa


Soy is pretty. I like the use of elegant, dark wood inside and their balcony lined with (unfortunately) fake plants is absolutely charming. None of this makes a very big difference since I don’t go to restaurants to gnaw on furnishings.  


I’m not going to bother to put paragraphs together for this. We ordered: 

1. Curry Laksa which was bland, watery and greasy.  

2. Hot and Sour Soup with Prawns where the prawns weren’t properly deveined. There were 3 sickly prawns in a very ordinary soup.  

3. Salt and Pepper Calamari which was too too salty to palate. The calamari didn’t seem fresh and the whole thing was soggy. Doesn’t anyone taste these things before they come out of the kitchen? 
Hot and Sour

4. Vegetable Phad Thai which was cold and greasy and without even half the lemongrassy zing I was expecting. Also it had chicken.  

5. Virgin Strawberry Mojito which I ordered because we actually have strawberries available in January. I received half a bottle of chemical syrup for being naïve enough to think a seasonal special would be made of the fruit available that season.  

I’ve spoken to friends who didn’t have such a nightmarish experience but I don’t have a large enough heart to give the place a second chance.  

Salt and Pepper Calamari

The staff were sweet but ineffective. They got our orders wrong twice and it took them too long to try to figure out how to fix their mistakes.

Phad Thai


Should you go: No
Vegetarian Options: Yes
Liquor License: Yes
Smoking Area: Yes
Address: 58, Middle Lane, Khan Market, New Delhi
Phone: 011 30146022 Extn: 570


Anonymous said...

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that vegetarian options were truly available if they put chicken in your veg food. Unforgivable!

I will never go here. Must be the worst restaurant in India.

B.I. Sonyan, Kathmandu

Anonymous said...

Too harsh yasha!

Anonymous said...

Too harsh yasha!